Here is another paragraph later on in the review (emphasis added): Incredible asks Elastigirl to “trampoline him,” he is not referring to sex stuff. In the New Yorker, critic Anthony Lane begins his review by lamenting the fact that when Mr. Which is why one particular review for the film has stuck out among the sea of normal ones. But Incredibles 2 didn’t break the record for the biggest animated movie opening in history without a whole lot of kids going to the movie theater. Sure, one could make the argument that because the original came out 14 years ago, those of us who remember the zeitgeist of the first film are all bona fide adults at this point, so therefore this is really a movie for us. Incredibles 2, an animated, PG-rated feature about a funny family of superheroes, is ultimately a movie for children. You can also see what we’re up to by signing up here. The archives will remain available here for new stories, head over to, where our staff is covering consumer culture for The Goods by Vox.
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